10 Things to Do to Prepare Your House Before the First Snowfall

Winter is coming, and snow will be on its way soon. If you're not ready, then it might be too late when the snow begins to accumulate on your property or in your yard. If you’re going to be away this winter or if you are headed to the island soon, consider hiring Hamptons House Watching to check in on your home periodically to make sure your home is protected and everything is still running smoothly. Here are 10 things that you can do to prepare for the snow right now in order to make sure your house is ready and safe from damage!


1. Get your furnace serviced to make sure it's running efficiently

If you plan on popping in for the holidays, the last thing you want is to end up in an icy cold home. Hire a professional to check out your heating system before winter hits, because you never know when there might be an issue with it that could cause problems down the line -- especially if snow is on its way. We have technicians on speed dial that can come check to make sure everything is in order and would be happy to send someone out for you!


2. Make sure all of your windows are well-insulated so cold air doesn't seep in

Don't lose money to cold drafts by allowing snowfall in your house. Using caulk and weather-stripping is a good start for keeping out the winter air, but you can also invest in some new windows or add insulation inside of them if necessary.


3. Put away any outdoor furniture - tables, chairs, swings, etc., that could be damaged by snow or ice 

Winter snow can be very rough on outdoor furniture if it's exposed to snow and ice for a long time. Make sure to bring your outdoor chairs, tables, and anything else that might sustain damage inside or store it safely before the snow arrives, or you might end up in a pickle come January.


4. Clear out gutters and downspouts to avoid clogs that could cause flooding

Flooding is a major snowstorm problem, and clogged gutters are one of the main culprits. If snow ends up being heavy where you live, it could be worth your while to invest in snow guards or other gutter-clearing services that'll help keep snow from piling up during the winter months.

5. Check your roof for any leaks or damage

If you're not careful, snow can accumulate on roofs during the winter months which is why it's smart to check up on your roof before snow begins to fall. If there are leaks or damage, this could make matters worse when all of that snow starts coming down and weighing on the weak spots. Have someone take a look at your roof to prevent any damage during the winter months.


6. Remove all plants from outdoor spaces to protect them from frostbite

If you're not sure how snow might affect your plants during the winter, it's best to just take them inside for safekeeping. The snow and freezing temperatures can cause frostbite in your plants, which can end up killing your plants, so it's better to be safe than sorry!


7. Make sure you have enough wood for the fireplace

If you're going to be spending the winter nights in front of your fireplace, it's smart to stock up on wood before snowfall arrives.  The last thing you want to do is run out of wood when you're already warm and cozy, cuddled up by the fire with the family. Stock up early before inventory gets low!



8. Clean the outside of your house, including window ledges, sills, and screens 

If snow accumulates on your house while it's dirty, when it melts in the spring, you may find yourself with more than just dirty window sills. The melting snow can cause the dirt to drip down the side of the house, creating a bigger mess than you originally had and making it much harder to clean. Prepare now, so you can save yourself the hassle later. You can contact Hamptons House Watching for any home cleaning services you may need, and we’ll be on top of it.


9. Turn off water spigots before they freeze over

Snowfall in the winter months can make water lines freeze. It's best to go ahead and shut them down during the coldest days of winter when temperatures are at their lowest to prevent any problems from happening later on! You should always prepare for snow by shutting off all exterior spigots that lead into your home, otherwise, it could cause huge problems while you’re away.


10. Add salt or sand to your driveway to keep it from becoming icy

Snow isn't the only thing that can cause problems during winter snowfall - ice can too! If you plan on staying at your home at any point during the winter season, make sure you have salt or sand to line your driveway with right before it snows. This will prevent the snow from refreezing as ice once it melts and keeps your car from sliding all over your driveway when you're pulling out to drive into town.


The first snowfall of the year is almost here. If you haven’t yet prepared your home for winter, now may be a good time to take action before it snows again and everything becomes more difficult. Get started today so that when the first flakes fall, all will go smoothly. We've spent many winters in The Hamptons and can get everything in order for you, so your house is protected against the harsh elements, and you can enjoy your time on the island if you plan to join us this holiday season. Reach out to Hamptons House Watching today, so we can help you protect your home!